The aphorism “Don’t judge a book by its cover” can be applied to so many situations in life. Unfortunately, when it comes to real estate, that saying often gets tossed right out the window. If you’ve ever bought a house, or even poked around a real estate website out of curiosity, you’ve probably noticed just how easy it is to judge homes based on the exterior and start crossing options off the list before you even see the inside. Whether you’re looking to sell your home soon or you just want to spruce it up and improve your equity, don’t dive straight into massive indoor overhauls. Start with the exterior!


Home Renos That Sell

When it comes to the interior of your home, the biggest money-making home renovation projects are the ones that improve livability more so than aesthetic changes. Alterations like adding extra cabinets in the kitchen will increase value more than painting the rooms. On the outside of your home, on the other hand, the visual appeal matters a lot more. When it comes to renovations to your home’s exterior, think “You never get a chance to make a second first impression,” rather than not judging metaphorical books by their covers. In order to show off the inside of your home and convince someone to buy, you have to first get people piqued enough to put in the effort to see your home.


Exterior Alterations

No matter how great the inside of your home looks, if you can’t get anyone interested enough to step inside, you will have a pretty tough time selling. To spruce up the exterior of your home, two things come into play: your landscaping and the physical outer structure of your home. In terms of landscaping, make an effort to help your lawn look cared for, but you don’t necessarily need to invest thousands in new bushes or trees. Weed the garden beds, keep your grass trimmed, and ensure you don’t have any scraggly looking dead bushes or flowers—unless it’s winter, of course.

If your home is older and looks dated, that’s definitely worth a bit more effort. Adding a focal feature or new siding can be simple, cost-effective ways to make your home’s exterior look new and appealing to potential buyers. If your home still has the 1960s half brick/half stucco combination, bring your home’s exterior into the present day. Siding installers can remove and recycle that old brick, nix the stucco, and check for any structural damage before adding new siding. And, thanks to the wide range of options available from fiber cement panel manufacturers, you can easily achieve everything from a traditional wood siding appearance to sleek, modern panels that will withstand the ravages of Colorado weather.


Whether you’re preparing your home to sell or you’re looking for a great cost-effective way to improve equity in your home, step outside and start there. Contact your Colorado siding experts at DJK Siding to meet with one of our team and begin planning your home’s new look today!