Changing the siding on your home for either repairs or aesthetic reasons can become a daunting task when you’re unsure of what styles or type that’s best to choose from. Because there are so many choices in vinyl, stucco, fiber cement, and steel, your trusted Boulder siding contractors are going to look at one particular type: seamless steel siding.

The Pros:

  • Qualities of Seamless Steel Siding: Seamless steel siding is steel siding that has a vinyl coating but without any seams or splices. It is cut to any length to completely cover your home. The benefits are great. It will not rot, blister, or rust. It has a strong steel base at its core that won’t sag, ripple, or vibrate. With proper care, this siding will last 20 years or more, potentially the lifetime of your house.
  • Endurance and Maintenance: Simple hosing down each year is basically all that is needed in the way of maintenance. It will not shrink or bulge with temperature changes and because it is able to withstand extreme temperature changes, seamless steel siding is fire resistant and endures salt spray, wind, and hail; perfect for heavy snow climates or ocean fronts. With the bonding of vinyl, the seamless steel siding is resistant to bugs, termites, and ants. You are also protected from corrosive pollutants, molds, mildews, and pollens. Because of its steel metalcore, your home will be able to maintain efficient temperatures of heat, saving on energy and utility costs.

The Cons:

  • High winds may enlarge the fastening holes on seamless steel siding, eventually allowing moisture to penetrate under surfaces.
  • One of the most expensive types of siding.
  • Seamless steel siding is difficult to handle, so installation is best left to professionals.